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21 Jan 2022

Random workplace drug testing

Random drug testing is an effective deterrent against drug use in the workplace.

Random workplace drug testing

How can we introduce random drug testing in the workplace?

Before implementing random drug and alcohol testing in your workplace, there are several things that should be considered. First, it is important that a robust drug and alcohol testing policy is in place. Furthermore, employee contracts should be clear about random drug and alcohol testing and reflect the policy in place. In addition, any new implementation should include a 90-day consultation period with the workforce and any Trade Unions.

Next, we can support you with the testing programme itself. This includes advice, best practice, and the coordination of the random drug testing operation. Every business is different and will have different needs. As a result, we have several options available for sample type, testing methods and locations.

Why introduce random drug testing in the workplace?

Our experience shows that random workplace drug testing has a positive effect on business operations. Not only from the obvious health and safety benefits, but also from a boost in morale and productivity. However, when first introducing random testing, there might be some initial disruption to the business. But this is usually caused by excessive numbers of employees being tested. Our advice would be to test around 10% of the workforce annually. In addition, we recommend that employees are chosen randomly using randomisation software. A record should also be kept of this.

Finally, what if your employees can be easily defined in terms of safety critical and non-safety critical roles? If this is the case, then there may be an opportunity in justifying testing more safety critical roles than non-safety critical positions.

How much is random workplace drug testing?

Depending on the numbers of employees being tested, and the sample type and test method chosen, costs can be as low as £60 per person. In addition, breath or saliva alcohol testing can be included in the random drug test at no extra cost. Look at our drug and alcohol testing prices for some examples of costs.